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Corporate Security Solution provides a range of security training malaysia and safety training targeting various levels within the organization. From senior to middle management, full time professionals to security coordinators and general employee to contractors, visitors and travelers.

Corporate security solutions trainings can be the typical classroom training or table top exercise, to e-tools such as video inductions, online desktop training to smartphones tools which ever suits your business. We take pride in raising the training effectiveness by utilizing latest tools, new approach, interactive engagement and experiential learning to get the message across.

Corporate Security solutions are registered as competent trainer under the Human Resources Development Fund and Board Certified in Security Management as Certified Protection Professional (CPP) by ASIS International, acknowledged as the security profession’s highest recognition.

Our training ranges from crisis management to kidnap and survival, building evacuation and emergency response, traveler and expatriate protection, professional security management to coordinator training and  employees’ visitors and contractors from induction to awareness

We are able to provide an extensive range of security and safety training services and tools to improve your organizations commitment to advance the level of employees’ security knowledge and understanding, including reaching out to employees wherever they may be.

Call us for a free consultation on training and awareness

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